Friday, May 30, 2008
A picture's worth a thousand raids.
When I was at primary school a few centuries ago, on the class room wall, alongside the portrait of the monarch of the day, hung this painting.

In schools right across our wide brown land were similar paintings by this well hung artist. On a daily basis impressionable young kiddies like me were exposed these paintings, paintings by the prolific and notorious artist Sir Hans Henson.

At first glance they might seem innocent enough, HOWEVER, when you play those paintings backwards ...
Little wonder Sir Kevin Robert Gordon Bowdler, Prime Minister of the day was moved to comment, "I find them absolutely revolting, and whatever the artistic view of the merits of that sort of stuff — frankly I don't think there are any — just allow gum trees to be gum trees and kids to be kids."
Federal Police are currently raiding primary schools Australia wide, removing the offending and offensive Hans Henson paintings. These raids follow the successful "Operation Airbrush" during which works were removed from the Art Gallery of South Australia, the Art Gallery of West Australia, the National Gallery of Victoria, the Moyston Mechanics' Institute, the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery and the Australian War Memorial, and shipped to Salem for burning.
Labels: Community service announcements.
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